Article on the topic
UMH and water
UMH technical articles about water
The following articles provide context and basics of how to look at water and how to treat it
Key aspects
for optimal drinking water
Water quality determination
Structures in
water and its treatment
Sensational study results on cancer and water drinking
Energized and structured water through optimal water treatment
Introduction of
Ing. Bernhard Ratheiser

Basis for an active and efficient society

Can be ordered from UMH Environmental Technologies,
from our sales partners and in bookstores
ISBN: 978-3-200-10191-3
Our book recommendation for an in-depth summary of current water research:
How ordinary tap water can be turned into a vitalizing fountain of youth without electricity or chemicals by INGOMAR W. SCHWELZ
Fresh spring water from the tap – a vision that is now coming true. In his new, excitingly written book about the true healing power of our elixir of life, medical journalist and successful author Ingomar W. Schwelz describes how you can produce the fountain of youth for your own optimal, holistic health.
It shows in a generally understandable way how a modern form of water treatment based on nature creates a completely new structure of energy-free tap water that is contaminated with pollutants – using purely physical principles, without electricity, chemicals or magnets.
This greatly increases the crystalline content of the water, deletes harmful frequencies and achieves ideal cell availability. Hexagonal structures are created during the holistic water refinement process, which greatly improve the biological effectiveness and make the water a perfect remedy and foodstuff.
Dia asks … Subject: Water – filtration and energization
Bernhard Ratheiser in conversation with Dia:
Looking for the right water filtration system, you can despair. What do you have to pay attention to, what makes sense, what really works? From the hand swirler, which (according to advertising) makes the water hexagonal, to table water filters to very expensive devices with separate power supply and extra tap. What a jungle!
These two episodes are intended to help provide the following insights:
📌 Do I need that?
📌 If so, what do you place particular emphasis on?
📌 Which of the many offers suits me?
Dia has invited an expert for this: Bernhard Ratheiser from the Institute for Water and Environmental Improvement